Hugo R.A. Paris Sound Bath (Bitwig, UVI Falcon)

Hugo R.A. Paris Sound Bath (Bitwig, UVI Falcon)

Hugo R.A. Paris Sound Bath (Bitwig, UVI Falcon)


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Using source material from an ambient sound-bath piece from Hugo Paris, we've created a playable, interactive instrument for the Sensel Morph. Blending textures, primarily from the 4MS SWN synthesizer, many long sample loops are distributed over 2 octaves.

Designed for the Buchla Thunder Overlay (though usable with any overlay), each key plays a different sample. Vertical gestures on the keys control a bandpass filter to shape each sound's timbre. Pressure controls panning. 

It's not just for performance, it can be a guide for interactive meditation with sound.

Designed for the Morph, but playable by all! 

Learn more about Hugo Paris on his Patreon page.

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